Black Friday seems to have helped the economy. Apparently, more people spent more money during this Black Friday than any other Black Friday. Now, thats very good for the economy. There is bad that comes out of it. Two examples is what happened in Milford at a Walmart and what happened in Los Angeles. In case you havent heard someone was tasered in Milford at a Walmart during Black Friday. A woman pepper sprayed about 20 people in Los Angeles to get some video console or something. She has turned herself in. I know people will say "Black Friday is stupid" "Black Friday should be banned" etc. I say, it takes a few bad apples to spoil a bunch.
Being the sports fan that I am, look what happened when the Dodgers played the Giants. A fan was almost beaten to death. Here is an article from ESPN. You see it takes one bad apple to spoil it for everyone else. Based on that incident, should fans be banned from the game? Should MLB cancelled the season or games based on that incident. That incident gives the real sports fans a bad name. Its the samething with Black Friday. All people are trying to do is enjoy the holidays, get into the spirit and save some money. Considering the storms we have had and the economy and the recession, I think people just want to vent and enjoy themselves. I dont lump the people that created the violence on Black Friday with people just trying to save a buck. Its uncalled for that people took something that should be the kickoff of the holidays and a happy, joyous time and ruined it. I feel bad for the people that got hurt and all they were trying to do is shop.
I think for the most part "Black Friday" gets a bad wrap. All you see is people running like a stampede trying to get items. All you hear is the violence of it. I do think that security should be stepped up to try to prevent idiots from ruining it like they do every year. And a lot of it is just common sense. I mean when the doors open, you dont run like its The Running of the Bulls". You proceed in a orderly fashion just like you do for the other 364 days of the year. Its just that simple. If you eliminate the morons and idiots from Black Friday and just shop like you would normally shop, Black Friday can be a good experience.