Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday: A Couple of bad apples spoil a bunch

Black Friday seems to have helped the economy. Apparently, more people spent more money during this Black Friday than any other Black Friday. Now, thats very good for the economy. There is bad that comes out of it. Two examples is what happened in Milford at a Walmart and what happened in Los Angeles. In case you havent heard someone was tasered in Milford at a Walmart during Black Friday. A woman pepper sprayed about 20 people in Los Angeles to get some video console or something. She has turned herself in. I know people will say "Black Friday is stupid" "Black Friday should be banned" etc. I say, it takes a few bad apples to spoil a bunch.
Being the sports fan that I am, look what happened when the Dodgers played the Giants. A fan was almost beaten to death. Here is an article from ESPN. You see it takes one bad apple to spoil it for everyone else. Based on that incident, should fans be banned from the game? Should MLB cancelled the season or games based on that incident. That incident gives the real sports fans a bad name. Its the samething with Black Friday. All people are trying to do is enjoy the holidays, get into the spirit and save some money. Considering the storms we have had and the economy and the recession, I think people just want to vent and enjoy themselves. I dont lump the people that created the violence on Black Friday with people just trying to save a buck. Its uncalled for that people took something that should be the kickoff of the holidays and a happy, joyous time and ruined it. I feel bad for the people that got hurt and all they were trying to do is shop.
I think for the most part "Black Friday" gets a bad wrap. All you see is people running like a stampede trying to get items. All you hear is the violence of it. I do think that security should be stepped up to try to prevent idiots from ruining it like they do every year. And a lot of it is just common sense. I mean when the doors open, you dont run like its The Running of the Bulls". You proceed in a orderly fashion just like you do for the other 364 days of the year. Its just that simple. If you eliminate the morons and idiots from Black Friday and just shop like you would normally shop, Black Friday can be a good experience.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This isnt a Fashion Show

Do you know what really honks me off? Im getting so damn sick and tired of watching tv or reading magazines and seeing all these hair models or big muscle men or people with a great figure on them. You look at the magazines in a grocery store and who's on them? Lindsay Lohan, Snooki, Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper, The Kardashians (Which I like by the way, more on that another time), Heidi and Spencer etc.
I was going to divide this post into sections, Television shows and magazines but I think there both the same. Look at television shows or magazines. They are polluted with people who have good looking bodies, 6 pack abs, nice hair but you compare that some of the actors and actresses trying to make it on tv, the models wouldnt last 10 mins. The truth is that people see these "actors" or "entertainers" as a one trick pony. Get past the great bodies and the hair and smiles and what is there? Nothing. Now to be fair, some of the models can get the job done. They can act, sing, dance, whatever. But its few and far between. Do you know how intimating that is, seeing all these people with not a hair out of place, perfect bodies etc.? Where does that leave average people like me? I'll tell you where that leaves you. On the outside looking in. Now you take somebody like me or someone looking for work. We can work hard and kick ass but do we get a break? No. Yet the "Snooki's" of the world get ahead. With my life or anybody who's struggling right now, do you honestly think Snooki would last 5 mins. in my world or someone's world without the glitz and glamour? No. Face it, compared to some people, Snooki has had a "Tea Party".
In closing, I'll say this. Im not Bradley Cooper or Brad Pitt. I dont have 6 pack abs but do have a gut. But you compare me to Snooki or anybody else, they dont stand a chance. The sad thing is that we are on the outside looking in. The people that busts there ass trying to make it in acting never get the break. Yet the Snooki's and the Lindsay Lohan's do. How is that fair? To some, that may come off as being bitter or bitching but you know what I, and a lot of other people, have every right to feel that way. The models get ahead and we get knowhere. Im pretty sick of it to be honest. The people who bust there ass, they should be on top. And for those models out there, I think your 15 mins. are just about up.

Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places

This is something that really honks me off. Women. I think Flounder said it best in "Animal House". "Women, you cant live with them, you cant live without them". Now, look, I admit to looking at a pretty lady every once in a while but I just dont think I have anything in common with the opposite sex. Im really not the dating type. Im very complex when it comes to this because in one breath I would really like a girlfriend, someone to talk to and hang out with. On the other hand, I just dont want to be tied down right now. Maybe dating is not meant to be for me because I just know that I would be paranoid all the time. Now, I want to stress paranoid but not controlling. I mean you would have a beautiful girl dating me. Why? Im not exactly Brad Pitt or Bradley Cooper.
Im not going to lie. New Year's Eve or Valentine's Day isnt exactly a great day that I look forward too. Not only did my grandmother pass away on Dec. 30,2010 but I never really had anybody to spend New Year's Eve or Valentine's Day with. Its actually very lonely for me but I deal with it. Even if I was trying to look for someone, where would I look? I really dont want to use the internet to find someone because you never know who's crazy on there. That also goes for personnals in the newspaper as well. I just know that I would be very nervous talking around women and blow it. I try to be upbeat and funny and tell jokes, as you well know, but I wonder if my jokes would fly. If you say be yourself, thats fine but I dont think many women would want me to recite the Super Bowls(Note to self, I have to keep up with that).
Are there any single women out there that just want to have fun, date and talk and stuff? I'll be honest, I really dont have any intentions on getting married right now. I feel sometimes that I never want to get married. I just need me time, you know? Im not knocking marriage and I wish people who are married or about to get married all the luck in the world but I dont think its for me. It just seems like a lot of hoopla and stress with getting married. I know Im probably wrong with that assumption.
Let me ask you, do you guys see me with someone? It would be nice to have someone to talk to or call all the time but I dont know. I remember on the series premiere of "Friends" Joey and Chandler encouraging Ross to "grab a spoon" when talking about how there are so many ice cream flavors out there and equating that to women. I dont know if Im ready to "grab a spoon". Knowing my luck, if I did have ice cream and "grab a spoon", I would get a major headrush.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Should companies curb there holiday advertising until after Thanksgiving?

Should companies curb there holiday advertising until after Thanksgiving?I believe it was Sept. 9 of this year at CVS Pharmacy in North Haven at about 7pm and Im walking down one of the aisles and I see Christmas ornaments. In September??!! Let me ask you, do you think companies like CVS, Walgreens, Best Buy, Target etc. should curb there holiday advertising? I mean there was Christmas stuff out in October. Do you think thats too early to start promoting the holiday? Halloween wasnt even here, and Christmas stuff was out. It almost seems like Halloween and Thanksgiving get lost in the shuffle. I know you have to plan ahead but still. Christmas stuff in September? How do you get into the spirit of Thanksgiving when theres Christmas stuff all over the place? Some people would argue that you should focus on one holiday at a time. I can get into the holidays now and dont have to wait until after Thanksgiving to get into Christmas.How about you guys? Do you think companies should curb the holiday advertising until after Thanksgiving? Have you guys started Christmas shopping? Are you guys done?

Whats the deal with all the darkness?

You know what honks me off now? Darkness. Tell me something. How come it has to get dark so early? I mean there is a sunset at 3:45 pm and its dark by 5 pm. I mean the nights are so long now and with the winter coming and the storms already hitting, what happens if you lose power at 4pm? Your in darkness. I'd rather lose power at 4pm and have it get dark at 8pm then lose power at 4pm and it being dark. You cant even do anything because it gets dark so early. You cant take a walk or rake leaves or mow the lawn or just sit outside unless its lit and even then you take your life in your hands sometimes. You dont know whos lurking at nightime (or much less daytime).
Not to mention turning on lamps and what not for light when it gets dark. You figure if you turn on lamps at 4:15 pm in the winter, theres a good chance you can turn them on 8pm in the summer. Thats almost a 4hr. difference. Do you know how much money we would save if it was lighter later? I mean isnt it cheaper to use the actual sun for light, instead of using lamps that produce light and cost a fortune to use. In this economy, I think we should be trying to save money not losing it. Why cant it get dark at a quarter to 7 at night in the winter? What would be the big deal? To me, I think sunlight is better than darkness. It would costs less accidents on the roads because people can see better in the daylight and not be blinded by the strong lights of the cars. Also, I think that the roads, sidestreets are not lit that well and therefore you cant see well. I live where there is a 4 way Stop and there have been accidents and close calls, I think because of no light. I think you can save money by not lighting your lamps as much if it was lighter out.
I just think its better to have light instead of darkness. You can argue that its lighter in the morning but people are usually sleeping that early in the morning. You really cant take advantage of the sunlight at 5:30am in the morning. Does anyone feel the sameway or am I just being paranoid?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Do you remember wrestling on Thanksgiving Night?

Now, you must be thinking, wait, "Wrestling on Thanksgiving night honks him off"? Actually, no it doesnt. I figured I changed the mood of the blog a little bit. With Thanksgiving coming up and with me being a huge, huge wrestling fan, I figured I would take this time to look back at one of the great nights of wrestling, Thanksgiving Night. Im 29 yrs. old but I remember growing up as a kid, 2 events on Thanksgiving night that stood out for me. One, was Starrcade and the other The Survivor Series. I always liked both events because to me it had that "big fight" feel to it. Looking back on it now, it was a traditional as a Detroit Lions game on Thanksgiving. Feuds would start or end on that day. Now, I know other organizations like Mid South, World Class, AWA and others had events on Turkey Day but Starrcade and The Survivor Series stood out. Who could forget Flair vs. Race from Starrcade 83? Or what about Magnum T.A. vs. Tully Blanchard, I Quit Match, Starrcade 85? Or even The Road Warriors vs. The Midnight Express, The Skywalker Match from Starrcade 86? Those matches are as good, maybe better today, then they were when they originally took place.

What about The Survivor Series? I remember the days when "Mean" Gene Okerlund would say "The Survivor Series, where teams of 5 strive to survive". Remember those days? Those are some great memories. Hell, even The Gobblely Gooker debuted at Survivor Series 90. Still a memorable moment, even though its somewhat painful to watch Mean Gene and the Gooker "dance" for what seemed like forever. What about Survivor Series 88 when The Mega Powers were sole survivors of there team and see what, the late, great, Randy Savage later said that Hulk Hogan had "Lustful eyes" towards Elizabeth. When you watch Survivor Series 87 even today, you are watching something different. You never saw that many elimination tag team matches in one show.

Sadly, those days are over now. WWE still has The Survivor Series but not on Turkey Day anymore. Starrcade moved from Turkey Day to December in 1988 because of the Survivor Series. You cant even look towards Starrcade and think of the memories because those memories ended when WCW ended in 2001.
You do have TNA Impact Wrestling now. Thats just not the same. You could make the argument that TNA isnt really that good but thats for another blog. I watch TNA on Thanksgiving and I dont mind it but its not Starrcade or The Survivor Series. Remember when Smackdown was on Thurs. and there for would be on Thanksgiving night? I used to enjoy it but still its not Starrcade or The Survivor Series.

Will we see Thanksgiving night wrestling again? You never know. But who thought WCW would go under? Who thought Bret Hart would come back to WWE? Who thought Hart and Shawn Micheals would make peace after The Montreal Screwjob? But as long as we have DVD's and yes, even VHS tapes of those shows, those memories wont die. Thank God for youtube, Thank God for DVD's and VHS tapes and a special Thank God for WWE Classics on Demand. Without any of those things, are memories would be gone. And those memories are too good for them to go away.

Its Frustrating trying to Find a Job

If you have been living under a rock you know that the job market, the economy etc. is terrible right now. If you listen to the news, its not pretty. Especially with the holidays coming up and now Ive seen on the news that the jobs for the holidays are not there either. Holiday jobs are hard to come by. I was watching, I think NBC Nightly News and it said that Best Buy is actually cutting down jobs for the holiday season. I dont know the exact numbers but its declining.

To me, its very frustrating trying to find a job. I wish I could find something at least for the holiday season. It makes me very mad and aggravates me very much. Not to have money in your pocket sucks. I mean, I know Im not a rocket scientist or do I have many degrees. I have an Associates Degree in General Studies and I know thats not much but still. You would think someone would give me a break.

Two things that give me problems in getting in a job. One, the experience. All I see, and rightfully so, is you need experience to get a job. Thats all fine and well but dont you need, I dont know, the job, to gain experience. How can I get experience if KNOWONE hires me? That ticks me off. Second, the degrees. Can it be possible that EVERY job that I see needs a 4yr. degree? Or previous experience? Or a major AND a minor in something? Like I said, Im not a rocket scientist, but geez you would think a job would land my way.

So, if anyone sees a job that would fit me, please let me know. I like writing, I also would like to start my own business. A classic Sports channel or a classic Game Show channel or anything classic and vintage. Do you think the job market is going to change anytime soon? Is the job market getting better? Hell, is the economy getting any better? I mean, really, enough is enough.