Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Government and the State of Connecticut

Now, if you've read my blogs in the past, you know I never really talk politics. Thats really not my thing but two things have gotten my goat recently. First of all there was this:

If you have not clicked on the links, it is the absurd notion to ban chocolate milk. Whats next? I'm glad the politicans in CT. know whats really needed to be acted on. If you look at this link it will tell you where we stand on unemployment here in CT.

Now, I'm not a math whiz by any means but when your tied for 39th in the nation as far as unemployment, something is wrong there. How can something like chocolate milk be banned and yet nothing is done about unemployment? The way we are going we wont be even able to afford chocolate milk. Instead of worrying about if a kid has a french fry or a can of soda, why dont, you know, we worry about the unemployment rate??!! I mean if a child is going through a messy family situation, drugs, alcohol, divorce or whatnot, do you really think he or she has to be hassaled about what she eats or drinks? Dont you think that the child has enough on there plate without worrying about what he or she eats or drinks? I mean if your going through the pains of hell at home, you should be at least rewarded whether that be a Big Mac, A Whopper, a can of soda or even chocolate milk.

I have to ask about this. Again, stop policing the internet. Instead the FCC should be having stricter rules on about what you can and cant see on the internet. What about all those disgusting sites that should be banned that I really dont want to mention on here? What about stricter rules for all the "trolls" or cyber bullies that bully poor kids on the internet? :

I mean the internet is a nice place for information, whether it be news, television  or in my case, sports. You could meet your future husband or wife via the internet, listen to some classic music, watch some classic tv shows. You could reconnect with someone via Facebook that you lost touch with.

I just think that what the FCC is trying to do now could be only the beginning. What if it gets worse? What if they start imposing more rules about the internet? What happens then?

To me, I dont mind browsing the internet as there is so much positive things you could do on there. And you could eat while you browse. Whether it be a Big Mac or a Whopper and you could wash it down with a can of soda or even some chocolate milk.