Thursday, December 29, 2011


I know Im late especially with this blog but this is bothering me. What is the big deal if people say Merry Christmas or not? Look, I know Im not the second coming of God or anything but when I was growing saying Merry Christmas was fine. People have been saying this for hundreds of years and now all of a sudden, its a problem. Has it come to a point in society that even saying Merry Christmas bothers people? There are so many problems in this world, that is a cause for concern? Seriously?? The whole point of saying Merry Christmas is to remember what that day is all about. The birth of Christ. I just dont see what the fuss is about. Check out this article from FoxNews all the way back in 2004!!!,2933,141920,00.html

My point is you thought now was a problem but going all the way back to 2004, there was a problem. Or how about this article from 6 days ago about how a Republican got into trouble for saying Merry Christmas. Check this article out.

Walmart did the right thing, it listened to its customers. Read what this women did that forced Walmart to change.

I say good for her!!! It shouldnt matter if you say Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, Happy Holidays. I dont think anybody who is a Christan has ever bullied or forced people to say Merry Christmas. I think if people think that, they have to understand that Christans are not trying to force religion or anything down there throat its what they believe. I really dont see a problem with it. Its not a racial slur or anything, its they believe in Christ or feel like saying Merry Christmas. I dont think they should people should be penalized for that.

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