Monday, October 26, 2015

The Decline in Print Newspapers

Let me just say I like newspapers. Maybe its because I grew up at a time where the newspaper was gospel. Now, you hear that the newspaper is dying and I dont think its right. How is it that we have selfie sticks and apps for every little thing yet, the newspaper is dying along with people's jobs? I always thought the newspaper was very insightful and I dont know if the newspapers threw  in the towel because I've seen a decline just in quality alone. Look at the New Haven Register. Besides the inserts and coupons why should you get the paper? For me, I like the sports section of any paper. The Register has a good sports section as well. The person "Associated Press" does a great job. Notice the sarcasm. I mean now its to the point that we cut and paste articles now? When was the last time you saw a great piece by a Register Sports Writer that did not talk about high school sports, Yale or Uconn? Yeah, I cant think of it either.

I'm not trying to pick on the Register per say. Its just I would love to have people get out physically read a newspaper. I guess I've always found myself "very adult" if you read a newspaper. I dont know why but I just do. Look at the USA Today. I loved that paper growing up. Colorized, big print, full of information. Now, like Parade, its very thin. I think we get a little bit to dependent on computers and whatnot. I get that there a great tool in all but now its to the point where everything is computerized. Doesnt anybody want to read a newspaper anymore? Or actually, physically go to a library and take a book out?

The sad part is with a little imagination and a lot of good writers, the newspaper problem could be solved. Give people variety and insight and not so much slander. Plus, it would give people jobs. How many people in this country would want to blog/write for a newspaper? Millions of them. They should be given an opportunity. If they fail, they fail. Its a part of life. But they should be given a chance. I still believe there are great writers out there but its a shame that their talent would not be put to good use.

Lets face it, not everybody is computer savvy. I'm talking whether they are people 5 or 50 years old, some people cant grasp technology. Why make it any harder? You think a Senior Citizen knows what an app  is? Or how to download ebooks or whatever? Some do but a lot of them don't. And why  should they  have too? Give people options.

I guess in closing, I'm old school. I dont mind reading a magazine or a newspaper. Doesnt take a lot of effort. Its too bad that the newspaper as far as size and distribution is getting smaller and smaller and thinner and thinner. Their's a lot of great work that will never be published which is a shame to the publisher and most importantly, the reader.

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