Saturday, October 6, 2012

The New USA Today

I figured I would take a couple of minutes to review the new USA Today. As you may know, the USA Today recently turned 30 yrs. old on Sept. 14 and with that they decided to give there newspaper a new design. To be honest, I really dont like it.

It seems like that the paper itself has gotten smaller. I know in 2012 reading a newspaper seems like a foreign concept to people but people, like myself, still read them. In this day in age with I-Phones, I-Pads, and Apps, newspapers seem to be going the way of the encloypedia.  I have also noted that the headlines are more bolder although I didnt have a problem with the old format. It seems like the print has gotten smaller as compared to the old days. I mean you really have to squint to see it now. I believe USA Today were touting at the fact that there was more color in the new USA Today but that doesnt mean its better. One of the sections that I like, the Life Section, seems to have gotten smaller in length as well. I have the USA Today paper for the weekend of October 5 to October 7. The Life Section is 6 pages. Thats not really a lot considering that the Sports Section is 14 pages. Also, when you look at the tv section giving you all the listings for the weekend, you could hardly see it. I mean you want to talk about squinting. I think its even smaller than before. If they wanted to expand there Life Section, they could expand there tv listings by giving a more detailed description of the tv shows your watching. Thats what I would do.  Also, the headings for each section isnt really appealing. It will say "USA Today-Money" and  it will show a person's hand inside of a circle. "USA Today-Life" just has a big circle which I'm assuming is the earth. The USA Today heading itself isnt really appealing. For example, for this weekend it will say  "USA Today" 10.05.12 and it has a circle next to it. Thats not that appealing or catchy or anything.

Despite some of the negatives that I have described, I will still by the USA Today because they still do a lot of good things. I like there sports section. I love the NFL Preview section they have each year before a season starts. I like each week they go through the college football and NFL previewing each game. Even though you could get them anywhere on the internet,  I have always loved when the USA Today would give you a preview of each NFL game with the announcers that will announce the game. For some reason, I've always liked that and they have always done a good job. Another old favorite of mine is listing the college football games with what channel they are going to be on. Now, I know I can find the announcers and the television listings anywhere on the internet but I think I do it out of tradition more than anything else. I also think I do it just to support newspapers.

They also do a great job with all there preview sections. NBA, NHL, College Football, College Basketball, MLB. They also do a great job previewing various championships. World Series, Super Bowl, NBA/NHL Playoffs, NCAA Tournament etc. Very in depth and very interesting. I dont think that part of the newspaper has declined at all.

But its not just sports previews. They do a great job with the Fall Preview section as well as the Academy Awards. Very in depth and interesting. Also a personal favorite of mine is they do have some nice stories about Black Friday which is the day after Thanksgiving. I find that interesting and they do a good job. USA Today previews holiday movies and its very good because they preview each season and everything about that season.

So in closing, even though Im not too keen on the new look, I would still buy a USA Today. I would do it because my Grandfather introduced me to the paper about 20 yrs. ago, to the point where I wouldnt have to even describe it, every Friday I would have to get "The paper." I would buy it to support newspapers considering that newspapers might be or are becoming more and more extinct. I would do it out of tradition of seeing what announcers are doing what NFL game even though I know a day and sometimes a week before in advance. I would buy a USA Today because they do very good jobs previewing just about anything that people will do or watch. It could be Holiday Shopping, Holidays in general or it could be the Super Bowl. To this day, they do a great job with it. I mean not only that, how can you go wrong? After all, it only costs a dollar.

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